Saturday, November 23, 2013


I'm in the sealant industry. When someone tells me they used a silicone, I assume it's a generic from a hardware store. A person in the sealant industry doesn't say "silicone". It's Oxime silicone, Alkoxy silicone, Benzamide silicone, Acetoxy silicone, Amine silicone or Aminoxy silicone. This is what you buy in a retail store. It's labeled "100% silicone rubber". Almost all of it is Acetoxy cure. Almost all of it is produced by the same compounder. It's shipped in 55 gal. drums to a private packager. Customers supply caulking tubes with their names and jargon to the packager. The packager colors the silicone white, black or whatever color is desired. Now the product is shipped to the store for you to purchase. You have several different choices, but they're probably from the same compounder. You only have access to one silicone formula in these stores, Acetoxy. You might find an Alkoxy formula, but it's almost identical to the Acetoxy in properties. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of silicone rubber formulas. Low odor, flowable, 2 part, fast cure and slow cure are just a few of the properties you can incorperate. Each formula is compounded for a specific purpose. These products are not interchangable. Who needs these products? The medical industry, construction industry, movie industry, water industry, electrical industry, aerospace industry, and almost evry other industry you can think of. When you say silicone doesn't work, I have to assume you used the wrong silicone formula.

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